TBD research day on xenofeminism

Over the past months the TBD Reading Group, hosted by GeDIS and Sociology of Diversity at the University of Kassel, read Laboria Cubonik’s  “Xenofeminst Manifesto” (2015) and Helen Hester’s follow-up monograph “Xenofeminism” (2018). Xenofeminism links technomaterialist, anti-naturalist and gender abolitionist perspectives on processes of bodily and social reproduction in order to develop a politics “without the infection of purity”. To do so it draws on the fields of cyber- and trans*feminism, posthumanism, accelerationism, neorationalism, materialist feminism and many more.

Once again, we ask ourselves what the knowledge of the book we discussed does to us, what xenofeminism does to us, how it turned us into strangers to what we once knew and were, and how we can appreciate this alienation as part of our politics, our work, our every day lives, as part of us.

If you’re interested feel free to join our research day on Monday, 10th February, at ITeG (Pfannkuchstraße 1, 34121 Kassel). From 3 to 6pm we warmly welcome you to present or discuss your thoughts and practices related to xenofeminism.

Those interested in joining the research day please email Freddi (vonrichthofen.frederik@gmail.com). Those who want to even contribute something let him know about it so that he can arrange the schedule.

Film Screening

Afterwards, at 7:30pm, we invite you to the public screening of “Hyperstition at the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Nordbau, Room 0324/5, Klasse “Theorie und Praxis”).

“A film on time and narrative. Of thoughts and images. On plants and the outside. Abduction and Recursion. Yoctoseconds and Platonia. Plots and anaerobic organisms. About the movement of thinking and philosophy in anthropology, art, design, economy, linguistics, mathematics, and politics. And back into abstraction.”

There will be a short critical introduction before and room for discussion after the screening.

All events are free of charge.

TBD (”To Be Defined”) is an interdisciplinary reading group on the intersections between Science and Technology Studies (STS), feminism, queer studies, posthumanism and new materialism. We are interested in engaging with works – both contemporary and otherwise – that deal with the relationships between technology, sexuality and culture. The group meets approximately once a month and is open to both “advanced readers” and “beginners”. The goal of it is not only to explore and discuss texts but also to present each other’s work and get feedback for work-in-progress. It is hosted by research group Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems and department of the Soziologie der Diversität at the University of Kassel.

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