Messy Concepts: How to Navigate the Field of XAI?

Entering the field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) entails encountering different terms that the field is based on. Numerous concepts are mentioned in articles, talks and conferences and it is crucial for researchers to familiarize themselves with them. To mention some, there’s explainability, interpretability, understandability, […]

critML: Critical Tools for Machine Learning that Bring Together Intersectional Feminist Scholarship and Systems Design

Critical Tools for Machine Learning or CritML is a project that brings together critical intersectional feminist theory and machine learning systems design. The goal of the project is to provide ways to work with critical theoretical concepts that are rooted in intersectional feminist, anti-racist, post/de-colonial […]

Booklet documentation of the “Methods, Theories, and Taking Action Through Gender and Feminisms in Human-Computer Interaction” event series

The workshop series on “Methods, Theories, and Taking Action through Gender and Feminisms in Human Computer Interaction” was documented in a booklet.

Experimenting with flows of work: how to create modes of working towards epistemic justice?

This is part three of a blog post series reflecting on a workshop, held at FAccT conference 2020 in Barcelona, about machine learning and epistemic justice. If you are interested in the workshop concept and the theory behind it as well as what is a […]

“Where is the difficulty in that?” On planning responsible interdisciplinary collaboration

By Aviva de Groot,  Danny Lämmerhirt,  Phillip Lücking, Goda Klumbyte, Evelyn Wan This is the first in a series of blog posts on experiences gathered during the planning, execution and reflection of our workshop “Lost in Translation: An Interactive Workshop Mapping Interdisciplinary Translations for Epistemic […]