Otherwise Practices with/in computing

We are excited to present to you our series of contributions from researchers, artists, enthusiasts, activists, and visionaries on Otherwise Practices with/in computing. In the next months, we will share with you articles collated from over fourteen contributors who share their opinions, research, critique, and work on […]

Join us in reading Jackson’s “Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in an Antiblack World”

In what ways has animality, humanity and race been co-constitutive of each other? How do our understandings of being and materiality normalize humanity as white, and where does that leave the humanity of people of color? How can alternative conceptualizations of being human be found […]

Experimenting with flows of work: how to create modes of working towards epistemic justice?

This is part three of a blog post series reflecting on a workshop, held at FAccT conference 2020 in Barcelona, about machine learning and epistemic justice. If you are interested in the workshop concept and the theory behind it as well as what is a […]