Doing things together with computational practice and feminist theory [audio]

In March GeDIS Lab & ITeG hosted a third Lab Meeting of the CF+ project “m-e-t-h-o-d-o-l-o-g-i-e-s (or not): doing things together with computational practice and feminist theory”. We were very excited to collaborate with artist and designer Femke Snelting, who not only gave a talk about her collaborative, artistic and open source practices, but also worked with our team members Nana Kesewaa Dankwa and Phillip Lücking to prepare a hands-on workshop on creative ways to address concerns that arise from their computational practices. The whole workshop was dedicated to asking: how can we create situations for thinking-together about what is going on with digital technology? And how can we imagine forms of proximate critique that stay with the trouble of computation and informatics?

Femke developed a toolkit of creative experimental methods that the participants of the workshop could apply and see how that could help see these concerns, and potential solutions, from a different perspective. A lot of interesting interactions emerged, and we will post about them on this blog soon in greater detail. However, in the meantime, we invite you to listen to Femke’s talk on her artistic and design practice, and the multiple avenues of creative engagements with technology and technopolitics that these practices open up.

This was the third event in the series that are organised in the framework of the project “Reconfiguring Computing Through Cyberfeminism and New Materialism” (CF+). The project aims to lay the groundwork for revisiting dominant modes and practices of knowledge and artefact production in computer science through cyberfeminist and feminist new materialist lenses. It also aims to consolidate a network of researchers, artists and designers working on and interested in these issues for on-going collaboration. 

Interested to know more about our CF+ activities? Check out Cornelia Sollfrank’s talk on cyber- and techno-feminism here.

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